Tweets, Facebook likes, Instagram pictures. They are taking over the Internet, and the business world is next! Social media has gotten people jobs, made businesses more recognizable, and even helped businesses’ customer service desks connect with disgruntled customers quickly. With social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., it’s important to understand these networks and utilize them for your business. Here’s five reasons why you can and should use social media to help your business.


  1. Brand Recognition: Having a brand is the first part of creating a business. Most of the time, if you have a business, you have a brand. However, getting that brand out there for other people to see can be tricky. You want people (your potential customers) to see your brand and recognize it as your business. Social media helps with that. Any interaction with potential customers or anything that shows your brand’s voice will help your business overall because with each retweet, follow, and like, you get visibility from your followers and their followers. Having a presence on social media allows your business to reach a wider scope of people, increasing your brand recognition.
  2. Personal Connections: Connecting to your target audience is key for social media marketing success. Your audience will have more of a connection with you if they are constantly seeing your post or tweets on their social media pages. According to a report by Texas Tech University, audiences find more of a connection and increased loyalty to businesses they can interact with through social media. This connection can help both the business and the customers. It shows your customers “Hey, we’re people too!” You can talk to your customers without being in front of them and it’s a great way to talk about your products and services. Connecting with your customers has never been so easy!
  3. Testimonials: When a brand wants a quick testimonial, it will usually come from a social media profile! People love to share their great experiences that they’ve had with your business on social media because they’re on the site anyway! Facebook is especially good for this because you can set up a section just for reviews! This will quickly let others identify with your business and see how other people feel about you.
  4. Customer Service: People want businesses with great customer service. It’s a simple fact. You can’t have a great business without great customer service. The best way for people to handle this is on social media. Think of it this way—how many times have you gone on Facebook or Twitter to brag or criticize a business for doing something? Maybe you’ve seen your friends do it if you haven’t yourself! Either way, this is the best way to handle the good and the bad when it comes to customer service. Social media allows you to interact with messages quickly and also shows others that you care about your customers and what they have to say.
  5. Your Competition Has Done It: That’s right… your competition is probably already on social media. This is another huge reason to get on it. If you don’t have social media, your competitor is already one step ahead of you! The competition is reaping the benefits that you are missing out on! However, if your competition is not yet on social media sites, then you’re going to be ahead of them. It’s a win-win situation.

If you want to increase brand loyalty, connect with your customers, grow brand recognition and prove to your target audience that you’re better than your competition, then invest in social media marketing! Without it, you’re missing out. We’ve listed a few reasons why you should go social, but if you’re still at a loss, get in touch! Our social strategists are ready to help you reach your goals. Check out our Facebook and Twitter for more information!